Since Jon was home again today, we decided to let Avery and Emelyn play with paints again! We had so much fun doing Halloween crafts, we thought we'd do Thanksgiving too! Avery had a lot of fun! She got mad when I told her it was time to "rest." (nap). Emelyn had a little fun, lol. She thinks it's funny when you are painting her hand with the brush, but she's not a fan of having her fingers held out! I have so many more ideas and inspirations for Thanksgiving crafts, and I'm itching to get started on Christmas crafts, too! (I'll wait til December, don't worry.) Avery is in a big kick of tracing things! Last night, we were playing with her kid tough magna doodle- the best thing I have EVER bought, we even use it for learning/teaching purposes! Anywho, she wanted me to trace her hand. So, I traced her hand and turned it into a turkey! I asked her what it was and she said, "that's a turkey! T for turkey!" I said, "you're very right! great job! What does a turkey say!?" She said, "oh! a turkey says, gobble gobble!" Right there was my inspiration for our first craft! :-) My 2nd craft inspiration came from pinterest. I attempted to re-create it with a twist of my own. The "original" had 1 handprint boat on grey paper with white sails, blue water, and white clouds. I didn't have any grey paper, so we had to improve a few things, lol. I also decided since Avery's hands were so small (Emelyn was ready for her nap and wouldn't have anything of it- we'll try again later), we would do 3 boats. I want to teach her about the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The Library is closed today, so we will go tomorrow and find a book about it! :-) I think she will get it! Her memory is amazing! I have several more craft inspirations to do before Thanksgiving, but those are for another day! Alrighty, well my pics finally loaded, so I'll stop runnin my mouth! ;-) Enjoy the pics!
An example of how we use our Kid Tough Magna Doodle for teaching and learning. She did that all by herself! |
These are the paints we use! They are wonderful. We got them from Target!
Avery Painting her boats.
(yes, we STILL have boxes. There is NO storage in these houses!) |
Emelyn's turkey- It's hard to get her fingers painted, lol. |
Avery's turkey! She did a great job! She picked out the colors herself! |
The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria FYI- Everything has to have a sun and every sun has to have eyes and a mouth! Lil Miss OCD! <3 her anyway! |
Proudly displayed on my fridge! :-) |
Remember in last night's post where I said that Emelyn has the potential to be just like Avery? Well, here she is. Doing what she loves the most! She reaches in a pulls out every coloring book ONE by ONE! Silly lil girl! |
LOVE LOVE LOVE this update! Love the photos of my baby girls, too! I think mommy and daddy are having fun with crafts, too! Everyone is so talented!!! Great job on your 'A's Miss Avie K!