Avery is now almost completely potty trained! She still wears a pull-up at night and for naps, but she's doing GREAT during the day. She usually takes herself without me having to remind her! She's been going in the potty for awhile, but was having control issues b/c her bladder wasn't emptying all the way. She seems better now! :-) She's also been on a paci detox. She is only allowed to have it when she's sleeping and is doing pretty well with not asking for it during the day. She managed to have one hidden in her carseat, but she forked it over before we went into the store. I don't mind her having it at night, but she talks so well she looks silly with one in her mouth during the day!
Emelyn is doing everything in 1 week! She's crawling, pulling up, and clapping! She's also cutting 3 or 4 (hard to tell without getting bitten) more teeth! She bites--- and she bites HARD. lol. She has a fascination with toes, lol. She is driven and knows what she wants. She will go out of her way to get into Avery's stuff! Usually puzzle pieces or crayons. :-\
We've kept a friends little boy from 12p to 1130p the last 2 days. His daddy is away at training and mommy is a nurse. Wyatt is 5 mos. I think Jon's enjoying having another male in the house! He keeps telling me that if we have a 3rd child it will be a boy and he "knows that for a fact." Goober.
We're going to try to hit the pumpkin patch tomorrow and maybe zooboo tomorrow night at point defiance. Maybe I will be able to upload some pics on here! I'm not very good at it, lol. I'm going to try to upload a video- wish me luck. lol!
here's Emelyn standing! I was doing laundry and turned around to see this!
say cheese! Avery taking pictures... or so she thinks! That's our old camera! :o)
Ok... the video doesn't want to upload. It was hilarious! I tried for like 2 hours and it's still not up! :-( Oh well, I'll try again later! :o)
I am really loving your blog!!! You got some really good pictures this time, too! Love little "Bugs Bunny" and and mini Lindsey the photographer. :) Thanks for sharing with Gigi!!!