Let's see... in the last month- Avery has started walking a lot, talking even more, and she's goofier than ever! She's everywhere, I can hardly keep up! She's growing up soooo fast! She was recently a flower girl in Heather's wedding, and she did great! I will post pics when I get them. :-) She is saying even more words and phrases now! Her latest weird word- CHICKEN!?!?!? Yes- we spend waaaayyyy too much time at the zoo! We are there at least once a week! She can say- Daddy, Momma (though she prefers to say daddy), hi, hey, bye, stop (usually at the dog), dog, oof-oof, duck, cack cack, kitty, chicken, gi-gi, gandaddy, headuh, see big bear, i did it, yaaaaayyyy, avie k, look, book... I dunno there are probably more! She's BIG into pointing. (we say she's got the "evil monkey point" from family guy, lol.) Aunt Heather taught her to stick her tongue out and Nana is trying to teach her how to roll it! She's a MESS! Soooo sweet though! Such a happy baby too! She has 11 teeth. Still lacking 1 molar. Her eye teeth are white now, too. We are slowly transitioning her to cows milk. This is our 2nd week. We are currently on 1/2 milk and 1/2 formula in a bottle. She's taking it! She still isn't a fan of straight up milk, but we're gettin there! Let's see... She thinks it's funny to wear things (not bows or hats, that'd be too easy) on her head. I will look back in the mirror while I'm driving and she will have her pacie sittin on her head. (plenty of room, haha!)... Today, however... it was pieces of a jiffy corn muffin! oye! I will attach the pics at the end! She is just sooo goofy!
She has some little friends that we hang out with a lot. Sean, Ethan, and Nathaniel. She tends to go for Nathaniel, I guess because he's older, lol! She's definitely got her pickins!
She really loves going to gymnastics. I don't care how crazy people think I am for taking my 11 month old to gymnastics. My child is going to be way more advanced and stronger than those who laugh! It apparently runs in the family. Jon's little cousin, Marley, is 4.5 and she's a double state champ! She has already qualified for nationals and jr. olympics! yeah... because she's awesome like that! I wish we could go see her compete somewhere! Anyways, she (avery) already knows how to pull up on the bar, do forward rolls, and we're working on the jumping thing. She loves to flip over the bar too! She's practically fearless!
Ok, I'm rambling, so I'm gonna shut up now. Hopefully I can get better at this whole blogging thing! I know it's driving Andrea crazy, haha! Later!

"He wore a hat, it was a yellooooooow hat!"

Gives a new meaning to "muffin top" lol!